The 2022-23 DairyNZ Economic Survey is the eighteenth annual survey of New Zealand dairy farmers using dairy farm business data from DairyBase®.

The Economic Survey of Factory Supply Dairy Farmers was first published in 1963-64 by the New Zealand Dairy Board. In 1988-89 the survey was undertaken by Livestock Improvement Corporation (LIC) and then Dexcel in 1999-2000, when the name was changed to Economic Survey of New Zealand Dairy Farmers. From 2005-06 DairyNZ published the survey under the new title DairyNZ Economic Survey.

DairyNZ is an industry good organisation, representing New Zealand’s dairy farmers. Funded by a levy on milksolids and together with government investment, our purpose is to progress a positive future for New Zealand dairy farming and help dairy farmers successfully navigate through change. We aim to do this by leading innovation in world-class dairy farming and by working always in the best interests of New Zealand’s dairy farmers. DairyBase® is owned and managed by DairyNZ on behalf of the dairy farmers of New Zealand.

For information on benchmarking and joining DairyBase® contact:

Private Bag 3221
Phone: (07) 858-3890

This publication is a reference compilation of dairy farmers’ key financial data. DairyNZ has endeavoured to ensure that the information in this publication is accurate but does not accept liability for any error or omission. No persons involved in data collection, processing, analysis or editing will be held accountable. Data in this document can be used for other purposes provided it is correctly referenced. The correct reference for all data contained in this document is: DairyNZ Economic Survey 2022-23.

The DairyNZ Economic Survey is available as a PDF version on the DairyNZ website and as an interactive online publication allowing direct download of summary data as CSV files.

Private Bag 3221
Hamilton 3240
New Zealand
Telephone: 0800 4 DAIRYNZ

© 2023 DairyNZ Limited