9 50:50 Sharemilkers: Equity and Capital Financial Analysis

9.1 Introduction

This section considers dairy farms’ equity and capital position, with additional information about trends over time in these positions.

The average dairy operating profit per hectare of 50:50 sharemilkers in 2022-23 decreased by $660, to $1,104. Cash operating surplus per farm in 2022-23 ($250,934) was 27 percent lower than in the previous year. The average interest paid by 50:50 sharemilkers in 2022-23 ($29,384) was higher than in the previous three seasons but rent and tax payments were lower (Table 13.5). After the addition of introduced funds and income equalisation, the discretionary cash available 2021-22 was $168,587, 34 percent lower than in the previous season ($258,608). The cash surplus per kilogram of milksolids in 2022-23 ($0.03) was significantly lower than in the previous three seasons (between $0.23 and $0.28). Sharemilkers’ equity grew by $62,197 in 2022-23, to $898,310, driven by growth in equity from the farming operation ($93,657). Total liabilities as a percentage of total assets (the debt to asset ratio) marginally increased to 36.6 percent at the end of the season. Closing term liabilities per kg of milksolids decreased from $2.67 (2021-22 season) to $2.29 (2022-23).

9.2 Dairy Assets

Total dairy assets increased by $10,930 during the 2022-23 season, closing at $1,199,475 per farm (Table 13.6). Livestock constitutes the highest proportion of sharemilkers’ dairy assets, comprising 68 percent of total dairy assets at closing.

9.3 Liabilities and Debt Servicing

Interest is the cash cost of borrowing funds, while rent is the cost of borrowing assets. The average interest & rent per kilogram of milksolids in 2022-23 was $0.16, higher than in the previous two seasons, but still lower than the 10-year average of $0.19 (Table 13.5). The average term debt decreased by ($48,487) during the 2022-23, closing at $416,013 per farm (Table 13.6).

The flow of funds (Table 9.1) shows the components of the change in working capital, including the source and application of cash funds. The total source of funds for 2022-23 ($385,080) were mostly from farm operations (cash operating surplus and change in working capital). Of the funds applied, 39 percent was spent on drawings (9 percentage points higher than the previous season) and 28 percent was used for tax payments ($66,548). Net capital transactions ($48,159) represented 21 percent of total funds applied.

Table 9.1: Flow of Funds
Variable 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Change in current assets 32,816 -23,771 -16,221 22,455 2,932 -24,375 112,605 161,046 195,556 153,504
Less change in current liabilities 13,755 -1,920 23,954 -9,244 15,668 -10,322 -10,193 -16,512 21,208 -3,071
Change in working capital 19,061 -21,851 -40,175 31,699 -12,736 -14,053 122,798 177,558 174,349 156,575
Cash operating surplus 201,958 137,419 11,433 167,540 169,323 213,273 230,372 298,298 344,252 250,934
Plus change in working capital 19,061 -21,851 -40,175 31,699 -12,736 -14,053 122,798 177,558 174,349 156,575
Plus net non-dairy cash income 2,036 2,511 2,243 1,798 1,996 2,659 -1,380 5,060 906 1,611
Plus net off-farm income 3,989 3,817 4,546 2,281 4,071 5,230 10,975 8,513 12,921 12,018
Plus introduced funds 13,155 24,197 26,601 12,583 14,806 -19,006 -10,255 27,709 -9,120 13,246
Plus income equalisation -2,621 -6,091 5,707 1,412 0 470 0 596 0 -817
Plus increase in term debt 973 50,721 37,011 -17,644 -20,730 33,643 -8,192 -20,070 -60,025 -48,487
Total source of funds 238,551 190,723 47,366 199,669 156,730 222,216 344,318 497,664 463,283 385,080
Rent (excl support block) 3,401 5,154 1,407 1,047 2,320 827 1,220 438 214 43
Plus interest 34,599 31,805 37,949 34,629 31,626 36,976 27,516 21,389 19,725 29,384
Plus tax 29,237 25,101 5,492 6,220 24,199 30,109 39,336 60,010 79,532 66,548
Plus net capital transactions 60,379 89,030 26,407 36,654 49,540 113,811 57,631 119,380 84,090 48,159
Plus drawings 72,813 83,335 56,461 57,721 74,517 67,169 65,458 76,247 79,739 90,535
Total application of funds 200,429 234,425 127,716 136,271 182,202 248,891 191,161 277,464 263,300 234,670
Total source of funds less application of funds 38,122 -43,702 -80,350 63,398 -25,472 -26,675 153,157 220,200 199,984 150,411

The 2022-23 average 50:50 sharemilkers’ cash operating surplus was $250,934, lower than in the previous two seasons (Table 9.1). This translates to $1.38 per kilogram of milksolids (Table 13.5). The 2022-23 average level of discretionary cash was $168,587 per farm, $90,021 lower than in the previous season. Despite the reduction in the 2022-23, the average discretionary cash for sharemilkers has maintained a strong position since the 2016-17 season (Table 13.5). The average term liabilities per kilogram of milksolids declined to $2.29 in the 2022-23 season, the lowest of the last 10 seasons (Table 9.2).

Table 9.2: Debt Servicing Ratios
Variable 2013-14 2014-15 2015-16 2016-17 2017-18 2018-19 2019-20 2020-21 2021-22 2022-23
Interest & rent $/kg MS 0.27 0.24 0.27 0.25 0.23 0.20 0.16 0.12 0.12 0.16
Interest & rent % GFR 6.2 7.1 11.5 7.3 6.1 5.6 4.1 2.9 2.3 3.5
Term liabilities $/kg MS 3.71 3.36 4.07 4.05 3.81 3.78 3.19 2.91 2.67 2.29

The debt to asset ratio increased marginally from 36.5 percent at the close of 2021-22 to 36.6 percent in 2022-23. Debt to asset values have significantly fallen from a period of high debt to asset ratios from 2015-16 to 2018-19, corresponding with stronger milk payouts for sharemilkers.

Graph 9.1 shows the distribution of debt to asset ratio for 50:50 sharemilkers in the 2022-23 season. About 63 percent of farms had a debt to asset ratio below 40 percent. Less than two percent of farms had a debt to asset ratio over 70 percent.

Graph 9.1: Debt to Asset Distribution

9.4 Returns

The return on dairy assets is discussed under farm profitability (Section 8.4). The total return on assets considers operating profit from both dairy and non-dairy farming operations, plus the change in the value of capital assets. The total return on assets in 2022-23 was 6.8 percent (Table 13.7).

Net returns from dairy activity yielded $162,696 per farm in the 2022-23 season, combined with an average change in capital value of -$69,170 per farm. 50:50 Sharemilker returns are more volatile than those earned by owner-operators due to livestock being their largest asset class and livestock values fluctuating with greater magnitude than land prices.

During the last 10 years (2012-13 to 2021-22) the total return on assets has ranged between -20.2 and 25.1 percent, as a result of changes in capital and returns from farming operations (Figure 9.3).

Graph 9.2: Sharemilker Total Return on Assets

The percentage return on equity is the return on the owner’s funds, including capital changes after interest is paid (Table 13.7). The return on equity will be higher than the total return on assets when the latter is greater than the cost of debt and vice versa. In 2022-23 the total return on equity was 9.4 percent (Table 13.7), significantly lower than in the previous four seasons, but higher than the 2022-23 total return on assets (6.8 percent). The 2022-23 season was the fifth season in a row with a positive return on equity.